You have pretty good time to prepare well. Never feel constrained with paucity of time rather focus sharper.
Firstly decide how many groups you are going to appear for. It should be clear to you from the day one, don’t keep the confusion till the end. Give equal importance to each subject.
Plan your papers in a way that you study same paper at least once in two days otherwise you start forgetting the formulas, and it takes comparatively more effort to restart. Subjects like financial management, and taxation must be practiced everyday. Do a bit everyday.
Never start with the assumption that doing easier once in the beginning and tough ones for later point of time is a good strategy. Work on your weaknesses simultaneously. Give equal time to both. Moreover love the hated subjects by studying them more and more.
Practice writing. What happens in exam is that you know the answer fully but you fail to write the answers the way it is expected. Sometimes you end up writing those points which doesn’t make precise answer and you overshoot the limit of words. If the answer is loose in first 3-4 sentences, then it hardly matters how well you have written afterwards. For this practice scanners of every papers. This gives you a lot of confidence while answering. You may buy scanners here.
Have trust in you, maintain peace, maintain a simple life, and embrace the hard work. Best of luck!